@extends('dashboard.layout', ['user'=>$viewer, 'id' => 1]) @section('dashboard')
Trades History

Due to API limitation, if several trades happen on the same underlying we might have technical difficulties to display the correct realised APY and gain per trade.

To make sure that we don't overcharge you, we compute your profit based on the total deposit at the beginning of each month, minus any additional deposit and adding any withdraw you might have done.

@if (!$strat_option_parity->isEmpty()) @endif @if (!$strat_stakings->isEmpty()) @endif @if (!$strat_cross_options->isEmpty()) @endif @if (!$strat_active_hedgings->isEmpty()) @endif @if (!$strat_directionnals->isEmpty()) @endif @if ($strat_directionnals->isEmpty() && $strat_active_hedgings->isEmpty() && $strat_cross_options->isEmpty() && $strat_stakings->isEmpty() && $strat_option_parity->isEmpty())
No trade history yet